In January we spent some time in Zion.
And Li taught Carter to be a rule breaker.
May 2, 2011
Megan Anela Kane was born!
And Jen left the hospital 4 days later still looking 9 months pregnant.
Carter loves Megan. A lot.
We had a blast at the Kane Ohana Reunion.
Carter especially loved that he finally got to ride a helicopter!
Over and over and over and over and over again.
Li continued to play Call of Duty.
And continued to try and convince all the rest of us to play too.
He had the most luck with Megan, before she learned to move away.
Carter discovered self photography.
Megan learned to crawl.
She is usually content to roam around and explore the world all on her own.
Carter was a clown for Halloween.
And every day after that for about a month.
As you can see we have a lot of fun around here.
Come and play with us!
It's February.......time for another Great Newsletter! Love you!